Nick Ellwood

Nick Ellwood / Illustrator

Work examples of University City Leeds, Concept Art degree students for thought bubble 2025 application

Below are a few early examples from some of the 2nd year degree students and their on going projects, writing and illustrating their own graphic novels.

They will be developing this further over the upcoming year along with other projects to be able to print and exhibit at ‘thought bubble’ if possible…



Chloe Levine:



Tom Parsons, card designs


Character design


Chloe Levine:


Noah Ashmore:



Liam Reilly:



Tom Parsons:






Liam Reilly:



Crow’s Ink:



Keira Findlay-Mckenzie

IDK & Me

Early draft pages for a graphic novel exploring artist’s block

and self confidence.


Thank you for taking the time to look at our application to be able to exhibit at the 2025 ‘thought bubble’ Comic Convention

Nick Ellwood

Concept Art tutor, Creative Arts University Centre Leeds

